O WISDOM of the Sacred Head, guide me in all my ways.O LOVE of
the Sacred Heart, consume me with thy fire.
Glory be’s, in honour of the Divine Will, Memory and Understanding.
O SEAT OF DIVINE WISDOM, and guiding Power, which
governs all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart, may all minds know thee, all hearts love thee, and all tongues praise
thee, now and for evermore. Amen.
O WILL, which was always in meek subjection to thy Heavenly Father's,
control me in all things, as thou didst govern all the affections and motions of the Sacred Heart of the God made man.
which knows all things, ever guide me with thy light.
O MEMORY, in which past, present and future are
at once reflected, which is ever mindful of me, and always seems studying some new means of giving fresh favours, force me
to love thee more and more.