
Fr McNabb's testimony

The schoolteacher-mystic
Fr McNabb's testimony
Fr Wilberforce's testimony
The devotion explained
Beatification prayer


The much-loved saintly Dominican and influential scholar Fr Vincent McNabb O.P. (1868-1943) corresponded with Lady Cecil Kerr, Teresa's biographer.
Here are two extracts from letters:

St Dominic's Priory, N.W.5.  7th September 1925
"....I return the papers.  To me they were most interesting.  They confirm all that I have felt about the theology of Mystical Wedlock - as to its nature and mystic rite.  I cannot see how an unlettered woman could write these things unless she had experienced them.  Even a trained mystical theologian would shirk the task of describing what she describes.  Moreover, as no doubt she did not keep any copies of her letters, the agreement between her several accounts is strong proof that like St. John she speaks 'what she has seen'."   

23rd May 1927
"What I have read seems to confirm my existing impression that Teresa was an authentic mystic, raised by God to an unusual degree of sanctity.  Her Devotion to The Sacred Head is likely to be of great value to the Church in the near future."